基本概念 • 您投保的财产必须是属于您的财产,或是跟您有利益关系的财产 There must be insurable or financial interest between you and the assets you are insuring • 保险公司的责任是在合理和合法的情况下理赔,像酒后或非法驾驶、保修不足和各种过分疏忽的行为都会造成索赔方面的问题 Insurers will pay out if the claim is within legal and reasonable confines, hence any actions that are illegal or unreasonable (e.g. drunk driving, lack of maintenance, gross negligence) will affect the claim outcomes • 保险的主要范围是灾难和意外,所以不包括因自然损耗或其他可以预测得到的事故 Insurance mainly covers unforeseen events such as disasters and accident, hence any wear & tear or foreseeable events are not covered • 任何证明(例如:照片、收据、文件)都是索赔时对您有利的证据,确保有最理想的赔偿 Proof (e.g. photos, invoices, docs) is extremely important at claims stage • 请确定保额足够和正确,避免遇到『分担条款』(保额不够,索赔也会相对减少) Ensure that all insured values are correct to avoid the Average Clause (reduce pay-out) • 如果有任何改变会影响您的风险或保险的话,请及时通知您的保险顾问或公司 • You need to inform your advisor and insurer of any changes that may impact on risk or insurance • 必须符合各种相关规定,例如健康与安全、食品卫生、环境保护 Comply with relevant regulations such as Health & Safety, Food Safety, Environmental Protection 点此延伸阅读 或 点此下载PDF文件档 |
表格快速连结咨询记录:客户声明 Record of Advice: Client's Declaration 保险电子签名批准 Permission to E-sign other documents Personal Insurance Checklist 汽车保险估价单 Car Insurance Quotation Sheet 房屋和家庭用品保险问卷 House & Contents Insurance Form 商业保险报价申请表 Commercial excl motor 公司汽车保险估价Commercial motor quote form (except Momentum) 新客户:公司汽车保险估价Commercial motor quote form (Momentum) Once-off GIT Insurance 汽车索赔表格(跟其他人碰撞)Motor Accident (Collision with others) 汽车索赔表格(自己撞到)Motor Accident (own damage) 汽车索赔表格(挡风玻璃)Motor Claim Form (Windscreen) 汽车索赔表格 (盗抢)Motor (Theft/Hijack) |